- Lauren Levy’22
- 塔拉·埃利斯1988年
- 安德森一家
- 艺术老师,崔西娅·布茨基
- 凯蒂和卡娅24岁
- 78届的詹妮弗和10届的基尔比·布朗斯坦
- 22岁的娜米娅·凯利
- Bethany Grabiec先生. '94
- 奈玛·皮尔斯05年
- 琳达·科尼利厄斯,71年
- 凯西·佩利04届
Lauren Levy’22
We are proud to highlight the Anderson family – sisters, Abigail 和 Joanna 和 their mother, 诺埃尔. All three are proud to call 十大彩票平台 an extension of their home 和 share how 十大彩票平台 has given them educational 和 leadership skills, 以及为他人服务的强烈意识. 诺埃尔, 一个现在很成功的老师, credits her career to 十大彩票平台 和 the teachers who guided her to the path she is on today. The sisters are excited for what’s to come in their final years at 十大彩票平台. # Powerof十大彩票平台
水牛神学院’s 十大彩票平台SATIONAL series focuses on the many voices, 过去和现在, 以及电子商务对他们生活的影响. Experience the power of all 十大彩票平台 girls with us by subscribing to our channel.
我们很自豪地强调美术老师, 特里西娅Butski, who is fairly new to 十大彩票平台 but has quickly noticed an exceptional drive from students, as well as a curriculum that encourages learning in 和 outside of the classroom. 崔西娅说这是附近的画廊, 参观博物馆和街头艺术, the different avenues to creatively learn are powerful 和 endless. # Powerof十大彩票平台
水牛神学院’s 十大彩票平台SATIONAL series focuses on the many voices, 过去和现在, 以及电子商务对他们生活的影响. Experience the power of all 十大彩票平台 girls with us by subscribing to our channel.
我们很自豪地强调十大彩票平台学生, 凯蒂·鲁尼和卡娅·菲茨帕特里克, 谁又碰巧是表兄弟. They share how their bond has only been strengthened by the welcoming environment at the school 和 how 十大彩票平台 has set them on a path to success. As they work to finish their final two years as high school students, Katie和Kaya很感激他们的十大彩票平台教育和价值观. # Powerof十大彩票平台
水牛神学院’s 十大彩票平台SATIONAL series focuses on the many voices, 过去和现在, 以及电子商务对他们生活的影响. Experience the power of 十大彩票平台 girls with us by subscribing to our channel.
我们很自豪地分享十大彩票平台毕业生的故事, 詹妮弗·普林斯·布朗斯坦和她的女儿, 基尔比, who credit their entrepreneurial success to the forward-thinking education of 十大彩票平台. They own Half 和 Half Boutique in the heart of the Elmwood Village, which is considered a beloved gem by those living in 和 around 水牛.
水牛神学院’s 十大彩票平台SATIONAL series focuses on the many voices from 过去和现在 和 the impact 十大彩票平台 has had on their lives. 订阅我们的频道,每周观看新故事! 我们很自豪地强调高级, Na'Mia Kelly谈到了变革, life-changing impact of 十大彩票平台 on her life 和 how she is excited for her future, applying the skills she learned at 十大彩票平台 和 truly owning her future.
Bethany Grabiec先生. '94
Bethany Grabiec先生. ‘94
作者:Eliza Kaye Esq. ‘12
“灯光、相机、动作!是Bethany Grabiec说的一句话, 副总统, 派拉蒙电影公司的就业顾问, 非常熟悉. Bethany’s journey to the West Coast, 然而, started in 水牛 和 more specifically, at 十大彩票平台.
Bethany graduated from 十大彩票平台 in 1994 和 describes it as very small 和 somewhat intense, 但同时, 它营造了一个女孩可以独立的环境. At the time Bethany attended 十大彩票平台 on the Wincenc music scholarship, 校长是罗伯特·福斯特, 但等她毕业的时候, 头是莎莉·布里格斯.
Throughout her time at 十大彩票平台, Bethany was involved in music 和 theater. She played Glinda the Good Witch in the Summer at Sem production of “The Wizard of Oz” the summer prior to her freshman year 和 played the role of Agnes Gooch in the Spring 音乐al “Mame” during her freshman year. Bethany continued to perform with the Glee Club throughout her time at Sem 和 gave a senior vocal recital to the school just prior to graduation. Bethany gave regular solo performances at morning meetings in the Chapel. She also performed in numerous musicals 和 choral groups at St. 约瑟夫学院和高中学.
Bethany continued to enrich her performing arts education when she attended the renowned school of music at Indiana University. 大一之后, 然而, Bethany realized that music was not the career that she wanted to pursue 和 transferred to Barnard College in New York City. On what she explained as a whim but based in a life-long interest in Russia 和 Eastern Europe, 宝芬妮宣称自己主修俄语. 1998年从巴纳德学院毕业后, Bethany decided that she wanted to put her Russian language skills to real-life use. Thus, Bethany enrolled in a post-graduate program in Moscow for six months from June-December, 1998. Bethany explained her time in Russia as interesting to say the least. 在俄罗斯的时候, Bethany continued to study Russian language at a private university in Moscow while interning at the international law firm Clifford Chance. 然而, 在俄罗斯期间, the economy collapsed 和 many Western businesses were reevaluating their Russian presence. Bethany explained that at that time, things became very tumultuous 和 she knew it was time to leave.
从俄罗斯回来后, 宝芬妮不确定下一步该怎么办, 但她知道她想要温暖的天气, 所以她决定大胆尝试, 搬到洛杉矶去了, 和 began working in the entertainment industry as an executive assistant in the General Counsel’s office at Artisan Entertainment, 也就是后来的狮门影业. 令人印象深刻的, Bethany simultaneously enrolled herself at University of Southern California, 她在那里获得了沟通管理硕士学位. After she experienced the legal side of the entertainment industry, 宝芬妮决定以法律为职业, 并就读于加州大学, 旧金山的黑斯廷斯法学院. 她离不开L.A. for too long, though, 和 moved back upon graduating from law school. Bethany explained that she really enjoyed her employment law classes 和 clinics in law school, 所以她才会为杰克逊·刘易斯工作, PC, 全国劳动就业律师事务所. She spent nine years there practicing employment defense in the L.A. 但她意识到自己想要在职业生涯中迎接新的挑战. 2013年4月, an employment counsel position opened up at Paramount Pictures 和 Bethany jumped on that opportunity. 在她目前的职位上, Bethany is part of the larger ViacomCBS employment law team 和 provides advice 和 counsel on employment-related matters for the studio, 管理诉讼, 和 works to ensure legal compliance on employment related issues. She absolutely loves her job at Paramount 和 has no plans to leave. Bethany is also happily married to Matthew Jacobs, a Los Angeles based real estate developer. 他们有两个孩子, 山姆(5岁)和赛迪(2岁), who are now also fluent in Russian thanks to their Russian nanny.
在反思自己的职业道路和毕业后的生活时, Bethany said that 十大彩票平台 gave her the confidence to present her ideas 和 not fear that they would be invalidated. She feels that she learned “not to be afraid to participate in a discussion that she was invited to be a part of.” Bethany believes that going to a small school gave her “an immense level of confidence 和 an ability to participate when thrown into a bigger pond.” Bethany attributes her impressive career path to her adaptability 和 “taking a chance on a path that wasn’t necessarily [hers].” Bethany’s sentiments are most definitely what makes the 十大彩票平台 experience a great 和 unique one. Young women have the opportunity to strengthen their skills 和 develop themselves to be independent trailblazers in whatever career path they choose, 而宝芬妮就是一个光辉的例子.
贝琪·布鲁姆(Betsy Bloom), 2008年
作为十大彩票平台的新生, 我们被教导要努力工作和努力, 没有我们克服不了的障碍, 没有什么是我们不能成为或完成的. 我们被鼓励把自己的未来想象成政治家, 诗人, 工程师, 或麻醉医师, but if you’d asked me at the age of fourteen what I most wanted to be, 我的答案很简单:一名高级管理人员. And to me, the epitome of these enviable demi-gods was 奈玛 Pearce.
奈玛, 我们的学生会主席, 为我们新生热爱的每一天注入生命, even the most mundane morning announcements were funny 和 warm, 当她对我们说:“祝你今天愉快,去上课。,“我们把及时行乐作为我们的个人使命. 她认识了每个人, seemingly spending as many free periods sitting with us in the Study Hall as she did socializing in the senior lounge. 她是网球场上和教室里的明星. 最重要的是,她让我们开怀大笑. 除了她每天的俏皮话, 奈玛通过十大彩票平台 Spotlight娱乐了我们, 一个制作视频新闻喜剧片段的俱乐部. 每次有新的节目播出,我们都会嚎叫到肚子疼.
十三年过去了,奈玛仍在从事搞笑事业. She’s currently working as a supervising writer for Tooning Out the 新闻, 她为我们的卡通总统撰稿, 都是斯蒂芬·科尔伯特制作的. Despite her drive 和 natural talent, 奈玛 encountered obstacles on this career path. After graduating from University of Pennsylvania during a recession, she attempted to break into the world of news/comedy anyway she could. She worked for NPR, then as an NBC page, then at MSNBC as an editor 和 writer. She recalled during that time that she was always filling out applications to try to work on comedy shows.” She described how exclusive comedy writing can be: “It’s invite-only to even apply to be a comedy writer. 你需要一个经纪人或经理来写喜剧节目, 但他们不会录用你,除非你给节目写剧本. There’s a reason why most comedy writer’s rooms used to be composed of white males that went to a narrow group of elite schools. Lampoon是一个馈线系统. They often asked the writers if they knew anyone, 和 they knew other white guys. You also need to have an enormous safety net because you need to have some money in your pocket already. A lot of the people that aren’t rich white guys have more of a winding road. 最终, I got there with the help of some friends 和 because this particular job required a set of skills that I had.”
在十大彩票平台,我们学到了创造空间和铺路的价值. 正如我的同学们所钦佩的那样, 崇拜)奈玛, 她很尊敬在她之前的经济管理学院的前辈. 她把这归功于十大彩票平台 Spotlight的创始人罗珊娜·海恩斯, 亚历克西斯彼得森, 和 Rachel Pikus with inspiring 和 mentoring her: “I was trying to lift a page from their book, 试图建立某种喜剧叙事. 试图以提供信息为幌子来娱乐.”
It was with this altruistic attitude that 奈玛 spoke at 十大彩票平台’s 2018 commencement, 在她自己毕业十多年后. 在威斯敏斯特的阳台上, I felt the freshmen’s admiration as they looked up at the seniors on the stage. As 奈玛 walked to the podium to deliver her address, I understood exactly how they felt.
什么是十大彩票平台女孩? Smart, self-confident, daring, articulate, able to laugh at herself. There is no one more fitting to begin the 十大彩票平台sational故事 series than Casey Perley. 她于2004年毕业于十大彩票平台, 在班上名列前茅, 获得12个AP学分, all with scores of 4's or 5's; Yale University undergraduate degree in Molecular Biophysics 和 Biochemistry, 杜克大学分子遗传学和微生物学博士. 这似乎是大多数凡人的终点. 不是给凯西的.
那么她正在变成什么呢? 她目前是美国科学院的博士后研究员.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), doing translational science 和 biodefense work while she plays with two (not one, but two) symphony orchestras: The Frederick Symphony Orchestra 和 the Symphony of the Potomac. She's also involved with music programs for kids in the area, because as she said, "kids count."
从她在经济管理学院的大一开始, Casey took every science 和 math course available 和 conquered them all, including two college level calculus classes because her teacher, 琳达·古德曼, came in at 7 AM three days a week to teach a class of two for her 和 Emi Ovitt Kim '04. “我一直热爱科学,她说, "I was the one who brought my Fisher-Price microscope to 5-year-olds' tea parties."
Casey was a Jacket but describes herself as "hopeless" at sports (belied by her running habit now as an adult!). 那么她在十大彩票平台做了什么来参加体育运动呢? 她足智多谋. 她同时管理羽毛球和足球队, which benefited because mental math abilities enabled her to diagnose vulnerabilities in the opposition.
谈到自己在经管学院的时光,她说:“我喜欢历史, 我热爱科学, 我喜欢音乐, 我喜欢数学,在十大彩票平台, 我什么都能做, 我做到了!" She credits 十大彩票平台 for teaching her that she could achieve everything — Mrs. 古德曼先生. Schooley, the arts staff who produced the scores she wrote for two school plays (黑暗之心 和 《仲夏夜之梦)——他们都问她,我们能做些什么来挑战你? "十大彩票平台 allowed me to be intellectually curious 我做到了n't have to leave anything important on the table."
Casey is grateful to her parents Michael Perley 和 Tama Crowell, for encouraging her love of learning 和 music 和 for allowing her to come to 十大彩票平台. “有能力的父母, should encourage their daughters to come to 十大彩票平台 – for the flexible curriculum, 博士教师的数量, 对学习的热爱, 好奇心的培养, 以及学生群体的多样性, 特别是由住宿项目提供."
她希望有一天能有孩子, 她梦想着把她未来的女儿送到十大彩票平台的寄宿学校, 她可以在哪里和祖父母一起度周末! "十大彩票平台 did more than provide me with excellent preparation for college 和 for life. 它教会了我,女孩可以做任何事情, 和 instilled in me a love of subjects outside of my chosen field. 如果我有个女儿, I can't imagine a better way to pass those lessons 和 a slightly overzealous love for everything yellow jacket on to her, 而不是送她去十大彩票平台!"