女校友 Spotlights
Kristina Barile '08
Kristina '08 received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Harvard and a M.S. in Aerospace Engineering from MIT. After graduating, she worked as a rocket scientist, 为SpaceX和其他航空航天公司进行发动机结构分析. At 25, she was invited to join the faculty at Loyola Marymount University, 她在那里教毕业生和大四学生高级机械工程. Despite this success, in 2017, she and her husband decided to quit their jobs, sell their belongings, 离开美国.S. 每人背着一个背包,环游世界,最终降落在巴拿马. 现在, 她正在用粘土和稻草等天然材料建造自己的离网住宅,目标是完全自给自足. On her farm in Panama, she pursues her passions in building, 写作, 摄影, 农业, 艺术, 草药医术学, and 古老的烹饪 methods. During the autumn season, 她是一名高要求的自由大学申请顾问和编辑, helping students around the world apply to top-tier colleges. 在未来, 她希望建立一个自然休养所和永续农业学校,以教育其他人学习传统建筑, 有机农业, 古老的烹饪, and water conservation techniques, 以及展示如何将自然和简单的生活融入我们的现代生活.
“At 十大彩票平台, I fell in love with math and physics! My strong geometry, 微积分, and physics classes set the foundation for my engineering career, 这些技能在我建造自己的房子时也派上了用场. 我也很感谢我在十大彩票平台的英语课程,它培养了我对写作的热爱! Writing well was incredibly important as an engineer, especially when I had to describe complex systems to higher-ups. I transitioned to a career in freelance editing last year. 我在十大彩票平台得到的语法和写作指导是如此根深蒂固,我每天都在使用它们! Courses like AP European 历史 with Mr. 斯科利(以及许多其他课程)帮助我学会了如何成为一名好老师,以及如何与学生互动(尽管我认为我永远达不到他的水平)!).”
What advice would you give to 十大彩票平台 students?
“Don't worry if you don't have it all figured out! I changed careers three times before I turned 30. 在高中时, I imagined my life turning out a certain way, and I am FAR from that now, literally and figuratively. You don't need a five-year plan. Focus on tomorrow. Take a step back from what is expected of you, think about what truly brings you joy, 去做吧. 注意:这并不一定是“最顺畅”的路径,但它确实是值得的,而且很有趣. There is so much growth hiding within the challenges!”
Favorite 十大彩票平台 tradition?
“斯特拉特福德! 我喜欢十大彩票平台给了我们自由和信任,让我们在戏剧表演之前探索这个小镇. I looked forward to it every year!”
Elizabeth DiCioccio ‘02
伊丽莎白毕业于米德尔伯里学院,目前是KKR的董事总经理/中东主管. 她以迪拜和里斯本为家,有一个两岁的儿子,名叫伽利略.
“十大彩票平台 prepared me in so many ways, 但我想到的一件事是,我学到了很好的沟通技巧, which are important in any career. 小班制意味着我们每天都要讨论和捍卫自己的想法——在十大彩票平台没有被动参与这回事! I’m also not a “natural writer,而是学习写作如此广泛的学科(使用正确的语法)!)为同事和专业交流做了很好的准备.”
What advice would you give to 十大彩票平台 students?
“Stay curious and always be open to learning and new experiences. You can never perfectly plan your next five, ten or 20 years, and you shouldn’t feel too much pressure to have a long-term plan! Explore new opportunities and do what fulfils you in the moment. When I was in high school, I didn’t have much interest in the Middle East (or finance, for that matter!),也没有为自己规划过这条职业道路,但我喜欢它!”
Favorite 十大彩票平台 tradition?
“I have so many special memories of 十大彩票平台, 但我认为每天早上开会的传统是非常独特的. 这种社区意识每天都在加强,真是太好了.”
Maya Meredith ‘11
"My 十大彩票平台 experience created tough skin. 水牛 Seminary taught me about the comradery of girl power, while reminding me that my minority is my greatest super power. 十大彩票平台 gave me my identity, no matter the lesson. 每天早上站在螺旋形楼梯上等待晨会,让我回想起我最初的自我现实. I think it’s imperative for young women, especially women of color, to find their voice during such an important time in their lives".
What advice would you give to 十大彩票平台 students?
"Don’t give up on yourself! My advice to all 十大彩票平台 students is to find your voice, figure out what you like, take advantage of your inner strength and shine. High school can be demanding, 虽然大学即将来临,但不要害怕呆在当地省钱. 在商学院的日子里,我学到的最好的一课是找到自己的光,不害怕继续接受教育, despite not being at an Ivy league. You never know, your career may open those doors in the future."
Favorite 十大彩票平台 tradition?
"Hornet/Jacket day, for sure. You wish you were a Hornet!"
Sara Schmidle ‘14
Sara于2014年毕业于十大彩票平台,现在是Pegula Sports and Entertainment的摄影师. This includes 摄影 for the 水牛 Bills, 参加奥运会, 水牛强盗, and other entities within the PSE portfolio.
How did your 十大彩票平台 experience help prepare you for your current job?
“十大彩票平台让我找到了自己的声音,并承担了领导角色,因为那里的小班授课和给我的机会. Through the variety of classes and activities at 十大彩票平台, 我了解到我想在未来做一些有创意的事情,并开始发现摄影是一种激情.”
What advice would you give to 十大彩票平台 students?
“Use your time at 十大彩票平台 to try new things, interact with diverse groups of people, and challenge yourself academically and beyond. 通过做这些事情,我觉得自己为上大学和工作做好了准备. 也, the female-empowerment-centric environment at 十大彩票平台 is so special, 直到今天,在我工作的这个男性主导的行业里,它都对我有帮助. 拥抱它!”
Favorite 十大彩票平台 tradition?
“Hornet-Jacket Day (Go Hornets!)”
Danielle Little ‘16
Danielle is the founder and owner of Young Royalty Chess, 一个旨在通过国际象棋教育一步一步培养战略思维的组织. 丹妮尔就读于布法罗大学,在那里她学习传播和法律,也是UB西部纽约繁荣研究员. Danielle在十大彩票平台创办了国际象棋俱乐部,并在大四时被美国国际象棋联合会评为全国第41位年轻女性. Danielle has won numerous entrepreneurship awards, 最近在第二频道和第四频道以及布法罗商业第一频道都有专题报道. 青年皇室国际象棋学院被bbb认可的少数族裔企业目录“棕色包”授予2020年黑人年度最佳企业奖. 整个夏天,她不知疲倦地为布法罗东部和西部的基本工人提供了400多个面罩,并赞助了布法罗展示. She is also currently a content creator for Foodytv and Streetbeatz.
“我在十大彩票平台的经历教会了我批判性思维和独立得出自己结论的价值. 我还学会了如何在项目中发挥领导作用,以及完成任务的内在动力的重要性. 作为一个女人, 在我是少数人的房间里,我毫不犹豫地坚持自己的观点,因为我的十大彩票平台向我展示了我的思想和想法的价值."
What advice would you give to 十大彩票平台 students?
“享受你在十大彩票平台的每一秒,因为你可能永远不会有机会在如此温暖的环境中学习, 知识, and creative environment. 在没有男生干扰的情况下上学能教会你珍惜自己的教育. Take the time to get to know yourself in the safety of 十大彩票平台, 你周围的老师和同学都真心希望看到你成功."
Favorite 十大彩票平台 tradition?
"Hornet Jacket Day!!!!! 穿上夹克吧!”